This captivating non-fiction book tells the story of Grace O’Malley, also known as Granuaile, the legendary Pirate Queen of Ireland. Set over 400 years ago on the rugged west coast of Ireland, we follow Grace’s journey from a daring young girl into a powerful chieftain who ruled both land and sea. Against her parents’ wishes, she becomes a skilled sailor, surpassing even her father’s crew. The story is rich with adventure as Grace defies convention, marries two strong warriors—Donal of the Battles and Richard in Iron—and faces the tides of war with England.
We travel with Grace on voyages to Spain, witness her fierce battles and daring pirate attacks, and share in pivotal moments, like the birth of her son aboard ship. Grace’s life unfolds in a mix of fearless seafaring, leadership, and defiance, culminating in her iconic meeting with Queen Elizabeth I in London. The story ends in her castle at Rockfleet, where she passes away in 1603. This book is ideal for young readers with an interest in Irish history, full of action, historical richness, and the inspiring courage of an extraordinary woman.